Top 7 Facilities Management Best Practices for Warehouses

Warehouses are a crucial part of the supply chain, and proper facilities management is essential to ensure a safe, efficient, and profitable work environment. Facilities management plays a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation and maintenance of warehouse facilities. Effective facilities management practices can help warehouse organisations to achieve their goals while minimising costs, reducing downtime, and ensuring safety compliance. 

In this article, we will discuss the top 7 facilities management best practices for warehouses in Australia.

1. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning should be a top priority for facilities managers to ensure that the warehouse is operating efficiently and safely. Maintenance checks should be carried out on a regular basis, and any issues should be addressed promptly to avoid any downtime or safety hazards. This includes regular inspections of equipment, machinery, and structural components to identify potential issues before they become major problems. Facilities managers should also implement a regular cleaning schedule to maintain a clean and safe working environment for staff and visitors.

2. Energy Conservation

Facilities managers can reduce energy consumption and costs by implementing energy conservation measures. This includes installing energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and other equipment. It is also important to educate staff on the importance of energy conservation and encourage them to adopt energy-saving practices, such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use.

3. Safety and Security

Warehouse facilities are often high-risk environments, so safety and security should be a top priority for facilities managers. This includes implementing safety protocols and procedures, conducting regular safety audits, and providing staff with appropriate safety equipment and training. Security measures, such as access CCTV cameras, control systems and security patrols, should also be in place to protect the warehouse from theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities.

4. Inventory Management

Inventory management is critical for warehouses to ensure that they have the right products in stock at the right time and stored correctly to avoid damage or loss. Facilities managers should implement effective inventory management systems and procedures to ensure accurate tracking of inventory levels, reduce errors, and improve productivity. This includes implementing barcode scanning systems, RFID tagging, and other inventory tracking technologies.

5. Waste Management

Effective waste management practices help warehouse facilities reduce costs and minimise their environmental impact. Facilities managers should implement recycling programs, waste reduction initiatives, and proper disposal procedures for waste materials such as packaging and cardboard, including hazardous materials. Waste management practices also include training staff on proper waste handling procedures and providing appropriate waste disposal equipment.

6. Disaster Preparedness

Warehouse facilities are vulnerable to natural disasters, such as floods, fires, and storms. Facilities managers should implement disaster preparedness plans to minimise damage and disruption in the event of a disaster. This includes conducting regular risk assessments, developing emergency response plans, and providing staff with appropriate training and equipment.

7. Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the modern business world, and warehouse facilities are no exception. Facilities managers should implement sustainable practices, such as reducing energy consumption, implementing recycling programs, and sourcing sustainable materials. This includes setting sustainability targets, monitoring progress, and reporting on sustainability performance.


Facilities management plays a critical role in ensuring warehouse facilities’ smooth operation and maintenance. By implementing these top 7 facilities management best practices, warehouse organisations can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with regulations and standards. So, get your warehouse management on track and optimise your warehouse potential!

If you’re in the market for reliable facility management services for your warehouse, then you’ve come to the right place. At EDSA Group, we provide the total package for ensuring a safe and secure environment for our clients. Our team of expert professionals is dedicated to helping you maximise the efficiency of your warehouse by providing top-notch facility management services. Let us help get the most out of your warehouse facilities! Contact us today to get started!

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P: (03) 9016 4337

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